SGS FRP Frangible Poles & Mast
SGS Frangible is the manufacturer of FRP Frangible Poles, mast and Tower for Approach light Frangible Mast, Meteorological poles and mast, FRP Frangible Wind Cones mast along with other useful applications like Airport SGS Frp Frangible Camera poles, Frangible FRP Landing Direction Indicator, FRP Frangible Taxi Road Holding Lights poles, and FRP Frangible Fencing. Why UV Protection is a must for Pultruded FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) sections ? Degradation of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite due to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is an important challenge as it reduces the quality and function of FRP thereby impacting its tensile strength and load-carrying capacity. It also leads to polymer disassociation and micro-cracking which invites an implicit loss to durability and safety of the composite. Moreover, extreme environments can severely damage the mechanical and structural integrity, thereby making UV protection essential for pultruded fiber secti...